Bibliografia Italiana
di Stefano Marchesini e Gabriele Perlini

Ad eccezione del gioiellino X-STATIX, si ha l'impressione che da anni Peter Milligan - in qualita' di autore - non stia dando il meglio di se', accontentandosi di firmare - naturalmente con classe - vari albi di routine in casa MARVEL e DC; il fatto dispiace, quando si tien conto che lo scrittore londinese ha saputo produrre - tra le tante - opere del livello di SHADE ed ENIGMA, l'ultima delle quali essendo probabilmente una delle migliori miniserie uscite sotto l'imprint VERTIGO; per gli appassionati italiani, se da un lato un ulteriore motivo di rammarico e' il non aver goduto di una edizione organica dell'ottima run condotta da Milligan sulle testate di BATMAN nei primi anni '90, dall'altro si e' infine materializzato il lungamente sognato recupero di SHADE dopo la chiusura dell'albo COMIC ART negli anni '90: e' infatti ormai avviata la pubblicazione - da parte della RW/Lion - di una serie di volumi dedicati al sempre amato "changing man", a quanto pare in edizione finalmente completa.

7° aggiornamento: 12 settembre 2014
AFTER DARK (mini di 3 + 0, 2010) - RADICAL COMICS
#0p.m.+aa.vv.(*)/jeff nentrup+sara biddle
#2p.m./leonardo manco
(*) soggetto di Antoine Fuqua e Wesley Snipes

After Dark, Comma 22 2012
ANIMAL MAN (serie di 89, 1988-95) - DC/Vertigo
#27the coma kidp.m./chas truog/mark farmer
#28the naked afternoon snackp.m./c.s./m.f.
#29born to be wildp.m./steve dillon
#30a nice day for a weird weddingp.m./c.s./m.f.
#31rites of passagep.m./c.s./m.f.
#32schrodinger's pizzap.m./c.s./m.f.

Animan Man Di Peter Milligan, RW/Lion 2012
A1 vol I (mini antologica di 6, 1989-92) - ATOMEKA
#2big deathp.m./david lloyd + siobhan dodds(*)MOS
(1) la Dodds ha contribuito disegnando una sola vignetta
restano inediti in Italia i contributi di Milligan ai #1,5

Materia Oscura, Nicola Pesce Editore 2011, (MOS)
ARCHANGEL (1-shot, 1995) - MARVEL
#p.m./leonardo manco

Arcangelo: Ali Fantasma, Marvel Italia 1996
ARMY OF TWO (mini di 6, 2010) - IDW PUBLISHING
#1across the border p1: tough boysp.m/dexter soy/jose' marzàn jr
#2across the border p2: closer than bloodp.m./d.s./j.m.jr
#3across the border p3: borgesp.m./d.s./j.m.jr
#4across the border p4: the man who killed borgesp.m./d.s./j.m.jr
#5across the border p5: desert ratsp.m./d.s./j.m.jr.
#6across the border p6: I'm not scaredp.m./d.s./j.m.jr

Army Of Two: Oltre Il Confine, GP Publishing 2011
BATMAN (serie di 713, 1940-2011) - DC
#452-454dark knight, dark city p1-3p.m./kieron dwyer/dennis jankeBRK#7\BLG#44
#472(*)the idiot root p1p.m./norm breyfogleBNMvol4
#473(*)the idiot root p3:
into the idiot zone
A#26resurrection shuffle(**)p.m./david lopez/alvaro lopezBT#16\BMD#15
(*) numeri facenti parte di un x-over in 4 puntate unitamente a DETECTIVE COMICS #639-640 (vedi)
(**) storia collegabile al x-over "the resurrection of ra's al ghul", per il quale Milligan ha scritto 2 capitoli (vedi ROBIN)

Batman: Arkham #7: L'Enigmista, Planeta DeAgostini 2008, (BRK)
Batman: La Leggenda #44, Planeta DeAgostini 2009, (BLG)
Batman #16, Planeta DeAgostini 2008, (BT)
Batman Di Norm Breyfogle vol4, Planeta DeAgostini 2011, (BNM)
Il Cavaliere Oscuro Batman #15: Le Origini Del Demone, Mondadori 2012, (BMD)
#p.m./tom grindberg/dick giordano

DC Prestige #19, Play Press 1996
BATMAN CONFIDENTIAL (serie di 54, 2007-2011) - DC
#31-35the bat and the beast p1-5p.m./andy clarke

Batman Confidential vol7: Il Pipistrello E La Bestia, Planeta DeAgostini 2011
Il Cavaliere Oscuro Batman #7: Caccia All’Enigmista, Mondadori 2012
BATMAN: DETECTIVE COMICS (serie di 881, 1937-2011) - DC
#639(*)the idiot root p2: the queen of heartsp.m./jim aparo/mike decarloBNMvol4
#640(*)the idiot root p4:
the cook, the bat, and the idiot
#842the suit of sorrowsp.m./dustin nguyen/derek fridolfsBT#21\BMD#21
(*) numeri facenti parte di un x-over in 4 puntate unitamente a BATMAN #472-473 (vedi)

Batman #21, Planeta DeAgostini 2009, (BT)
Batman Di Norm Breyfogle vol4, Planeta DeAgostini 2011, (BNM)
Il Cavaliere Oscuro Batman #21: Cala Il Sipario, Mondadori 2013, (BMD)
BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT vol II (serie di 13, 2012-13) - DC
#12-13 return of batman(*) p1-2p.m./riccardo burchielli
(*) storia originalmente appparsa nel 2012 in due parti sul webcomic LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT (#34,37)

Batman: Le Nuove Leggende Del Cavaliere Oscuro #12-13, RW/Lion 2014
THE BRONX KILL (GN, 2009) - DC/Vertigo
l'opera fa parte della linea VERTIGO CRIME
#p.m./james romberger

Panini Noir vol3: Le Viscere Del Bronx, Panini Comics 2010
DAREDEVIL: BLACK & WHITE (1-shot antologico, 2010) - MARVEL
#second sightp.m./jason latour

Devil & I Cavalieri Marvel #4, Panini Comics 2012
DARK REIGN: THE CABAL (antologia, 2009) - MARVEL
#loki: dinner with doomp.m./tonci zonjic

Marvel Miniserie #102: Dark Reign Zero B, Panini Comics 2009
THE EATERS (1-shot, 1995) - DC/Vertigo
l'opera fa parte della collana VERTIGO VOICES;
#p.m./dean ormston

Il Corvo Presenta #15-16, General Press/Magic Press 1996
EGYPT (mini di 7, 1995-96) - DC/Vertigo
#1the book of the remainsp.m./glyn dillon
#2the book of the shadowp.m./g.d./phil gascoine
#3the book of the doublep.m./roberto corona/p.g.
#4the book of the heartp.m./r.c./p.g.
#5the book of the angelp.m./r.c./p.g.
#6the book of the powerp.m./r.c./p.g.
#7the book of the namep.m./r.c./p.g.

Vertigo Voices: Peter Milligan - Egitto, Planeta DeAgostini 2011
ELEKTRA (serie di 19 + -1, 1996-98) - MARVEL
# -1flashback issuep.m./mike deodato jr(*)MX#19
#10-13p.m./m.d.jr/scott koblishMM#12
(*) tranne che per il #2, la cui parte artistica e' tutta sua, per i primi 9 numeri (e per il #-1) Mike Deodato si e' avvalso della inchiostrazione eseguita dai Deodato Studios

Marvel Mix #19, Marvel Italia 1998, (MX)
Devil & Hulk #42-49, Marvel Italia 1997-98, (DH)
Marvel Mega #12, Marvel Italia 1998, (MM)
ENIGMA (mini di 8, 1993) - DC/Vertigo
#1the lizard, the head, the enigmap.m./duncan fegredoAAC#7\ENG
#2the truthp.m./d.f.AAC#7\ENG
#3the good boyp.m./d.f.AAC#8\ENG
#4and then what?p.m./d.f.AAC#8\ENG
#5lizards and ghostsp.m./d.f.AAC#9\ENG
#6the end of the worldp.m./d.f.AAC#9\ENG
#7sex in arizonap.m./d.f.AAC#10\ENG

All American Comics 2^ serie #7-10, Comic Art 1994, (AAC)
Enigma, Planeta DeAgostini 2010, (ENG)
THE EXTREMIST (mini di 4, 1993) - DC/Vertigo
#1december, ninteen ninety-threep.m./ted mc keever
#2june, ninteen ninety-threep.m./t.m.k
#3july, ninteen ninety-threep.m./t.m.k
#4january, ninteen ninety-fourp.m./t.m.k

The Extremist, RW/Lion 2012
l'edizione RW/Lion e' ripresa dalla ristampa VERTIGO RESURRECTED datata 2011
FEAR ITSELF: THE HOME FRONT (mini antologica di 7, 2011) - MARVEL
#1the agents of atlas & jimmy woo in the age of anxiety p1: love and hatep.m./elia bonettiMM#120\FIO2
#2the agents of atlas & jimmy woo in the age of anxiety p2: skin deepp.m./e.b.MM#120\FIO2
#3the agents of atlas & jimmy woo in the age of anxiety p3: funeral writesp.m./e.b.MM#121\FIO2
#4the agents of atlas & jimmy woo in the age of anxiety p4: whiskey sourp.m./e.b.MM#121\FIO2

Marvel Miniserie #120-121: Fear Itself, Panini Comics 2011-2012, (MM)
Fear Itself Omnibus vol2, Panini Comics 2013, (FIO2)
5 RONIN (mini di 5, 2010) - MARVEL
#1chapter one: the way of the onep.m./tomm coker
#2chapter two: the way of the monkp.m./dalibor talajic
#3chapter three: the way of the samuraip.m./laurence campbell
#4chapter four: the way of the butterflyp.m./goran parlov
#5chapter five: the way of the foolp.m./leandro fernandez

100% Marvel: 5 Ronin, Panini Comics 2012
#1-4p.m./john paul leon/aa.vv.(*)
(*) klaus janson (#1-2) + shawn martinbrough (#2-4) + tommy lee edwards (#3)

Le Nuove Avventure Di Ciclope E Fenice, Marvel Italia 1996
GENERATION HEX (1-shot, 1997) - DC
l'albo fa parte della linea AMALGAM COMICS, co-edita da Marvel e DC
#1humanity's last standp.m./adam pollina/mark morales

Le Battaglie Del Secolo #16, Marvel Italia 1997
GIRL (mini di 3, 1996) - DC/Vertigo
l'opera fa parte della collana VERTIGO VÉRITÉ
#1-3p.m./duncan fegredo

Tank #1-4, Magic Press 1997
GREEK STREET (serie di 16, 2009-10) - DC/Vertigo
#1blood calls for blood p1: the monster of greek streetp.m./davide gianfeliceGS
#2blood calls for blood p2: where roads meet togetherp.m./d.g.GS
#3blood calls for blood p3: house of ghostsp.m./d.g.GS
#4blood calls for blood p4: the monster and the labyrinthp.m./d.g.GS
#5blood calls for blood p5: the anger of the godsp.m./d.g.GS
#6cassandra complex p1: the lotus eatersp.m./d.g.GS
#7cassandra complex p2: the mile end massacrep.m./d.g.GS
#8cassandra complex p3: unburied deadp.m./d.g.GS
#9cassandra complex p4: the house of painp.m./d.g.GS
#10cassandra complex p5: oraclep.m./d.g.GS
#11cassandra complex p6: agnorosisp.m./d.g.GS
#12ajax p1: the gods can send such sicknessp.m./werther dell'ederaGS\VRIvol1
#13ajax p2p.m./w.d.e.GS
#14ajax p3p.m./w.d.e.GS\VRIvol1
#15medea's luck p1p.m./d.g.GS
#16medea's luck p2p.m./d.g.GS

Greek Street, Planeta DeAgostini 2011, (GS)
Vertigo: Rinascimento Italiano vol1, RW/Lion 2013, (VRI)
HEARTTHROBS (mini di 4 antologica, 1999) - DC/Vertigo
#3death of a romanticp.m./eduardo rissoCP#42\(*)

Il Corvo Presenta #42, Magic Press 1999, (CP)
HELLBLAZER (serie di 300, 1988-2013) - DC/Vertigo
#250the curse of christmasp.m./eddie campbellHPMvol1
#251scab p1: secrets and liesp.m./giuseppe camuncoli+
stefano landin/s.l.
#252p2: under the skinp.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol1
#253p3: infectiousp.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol1
#254regeneration p1: plague doctorp.m./goran sudzuka/rodney ramosHPMvol1
#255p2: unquiet spiritp.m./g.s./r.r.HPMvol1
#256hooked p1: there's something about phoebep.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol2
#257p2: temptationp.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol2
#258p3: epiphanyp.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol2
#259the cottagep.m./simon bisleyHPMvol2
#260the long crap fridayp.m./s.b.HPMvol2
#261india p1: white man's burdenp.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol3
#262p2: untouchablep.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol3
#263p3: no dancing, no singingp.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol3
#264p4: kali yuga: the night of the demonp.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol3
#265no future p1: return of the evil onesp.m./s.b.HPMvol3
#266p2: where there is discordp.m./s.b.HPMvol3
#267sectioned p1: the catatonic wardp.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol4
#268p2: apotemnophiliap.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol4
#269p3: the kissp.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol4
#270p4: psychotic lovep.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol4
#271bloody carnations p1: oh lucky manp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)+s.b.HPMvol5
#272p2: life on venus and marsp.m./s.b.+(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol5
#273p3: squaring the circlep.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)+s.b.HPMvol5
#274p4: the cold heartp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)+s.b.HPMvol5
#275p5: confetti and brimstonep.m./g.c./s.l.+shawn martinbroughHPMvol5
#276high-frequency manp.m./s.b.HPMvol6
#277phantom pains p1: john thumbp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol6
#278p2: lady lazarusp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol6
#279p3: dead man's thumbp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol6
#280p4: gemma's storyp.m./gael bertrandHPMvol6
#281p5: chokep.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol6
#283the devil's trench coat p1:
the stench that lingers
#284p2: sick horrorp.m./g.b.HPMvol7
#285p3: the burning manp.m./(g.c.+carli ihde/c.i.)HPMvol7
#286p4: let's all go to hellp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol7
#287another season in hell p1: the devil's wagerp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol8
#288p2: the lower depthp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol8
#289p3: the unquiet gravep.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol8
#290p4: back to earthp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol8
#291another season in hell epilogue: dark magicp.m./g.b.HPMvol8
#292the house of wolvesp.m./s.b.HPMvol9
#293the curse of the constantines p1: the stolen childp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol9
#294p2: the writing on the wallp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol9
#295p3: the hungry grassp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol9
#296p4: a good manp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol9
#297p5: the two deaths of eva bradyp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol9
#298death and cigarettes p1: the fatesp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol10
#299p2: post mortemp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol10
#300death and cigarettes finale: ashp.m./(g.c.+s.l./s.l.)HPMvol10
A#1(2012) suicide bridgep.m./s.b.HPMvol7

Hellblazer Di Peter Milligan vol1-5, Planeta DeAgostini 2010-2011, (HPM)
Hellblazer Di Peter Milligan vol6-10, RW/Lion 2012-14, (HPM)
HOUSE OF MYSTERY HALLOWEEN ANNUAL (serie di 2 1-shots, 2009-2010) - DC/Vertigo
serie antologica a periodicita' annuale
#1hellblazer: letter from a suicidep.m./giuseppe camuncoli+stefano landini/s.l.HMvol5\VRIvol1
#2hellblazer: bonfire nightp.m./g.c.+s.l./s.l.HPMvol8

House Of Mystery vol5: Gestione, Planeta DeAgostini 2010, (HM)
Hellblazer Di Peter Milligan vol8: Un'Altra Stagione All'Inferno, RW/Lion 2013, (HPM)
Vertigo: Rinascimento Italiano vol1, RW/Lion 2013, (VRI)
HUMAN TARGET (mini di 4, 1998) - DC/Vertigo
#1-4p.m./edvin biukovic

Il Corvo Presenta #47-50, Magic Press 2000
Human Target: Chance Da Afferrare, Planeta DeAgostini 2010
#p.m./javier pulido

Human Target: L'Ultima Parola, Magic Press 2004
Human Target: Chance Da Afferrare, Planeta DeAgostini 2010
HUMAN TARGET (serie di 21, 2003-2005) - DC/Vertigo
#1to be frankp.m./javier pulidoHT1
#2-3the unshredded man p1-2p.m./j.p.HT1
#4-5take me out to the ball game p1-2p.m./j.p.HT1

Human Target: Vite In Prestito, Magic Press 2005, (HT1)
I (HEART) MARVEL: MY MUTANT HEART (1-shot antologico, 2006) - MARVEL
#doop: how love worksp.m./marcos martinXMD#142

X-Men Deluxe #142, Panini Comics 2007, (XMD)
JLA: CLASSIFIED (serie di 54, 2005-2008) - DC
#37-41kid amazo p1-5p.m./carlos d'anda

Jla Classified vol7: Kid Amazo, Planeta DeAgostini 2008
JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK (serie in corso, 2011-->) - DC
#1-6in the dark p1-6p.m./mikel janinJLD
#7-8rise of the vampires(*) p1,3p.m./daniel sampere (#7 + admira wijaya art)IVMP
(*) X-over con I, VAMPIRE #7-8 (DC, 2011)

Justice League Dark vol1: Nel Buio, RW/Lion 2012, (JLD)
I Vampire vol2: L'Ascesa Dei Vampiri, RW/Lion 2013, (IVMP)
MAGNETO (mini di 4, 1996) - MARVEL
#1-4p.m.+jorge gonzales/kelley jones/john beatty (#4 +mark heike+jim sanders III inks)

Marvel Mix #15, Marvel Italia 1997
#a christmas dreamp.m./laurence campbell

Moon Knight: Speciale Natale (Marvel Select #7), Panini Comics 2012
#melancholiap.m./frank brunner

Hulk & I Difensori #13, Panini Comics 2013
NATION X (mini antologica di 4, 2009-2010) - MARVEL
#4 dooptopia p.m./michael allred

Wolverine e gli X-Men #1, Panini Comics 2012
X-Statix Collection vol7: Dead Girl, Panini Comics 2013
NEW YEAR'S EVIL: SCARECROW (1-shot, 1998) - DC
#mistress of fearp.m./duncan fegredo

Batman: Arkham #4: Lo Spaventapasseri, Planeta DeAgostini 2008
Batman: La Leggenda #51, Planeta DeAgostini 2009
THE PROGRAMME (serie di 12, 2007-2008) - DC/Wildstorm
#1the talibstan terrorp.m./c.p.smithPRGvol1
#2the times they are a changingp.m./c.p.s.PRGvol1
#4unamerican activitiesp.m./c.p.s.PRGvol1
#5the devilsp.m./c.p.s.PRGvol1
#6the president of the united states is a dangerous psychopathp.m./c.p.s.PRGvol1
#7the stars and stripesp.m./c.p.s.PRGvol2
#8we the peoplep.m./c.p.s.PRGvol2
#9american hero?p.m./c.p.s.PRGvol2
#10the home of the freep.m./c.p.s.PRGvol2
#11out of the pastp.m./c.p.s.PRGvol2
#12the birth of a nationp.m./c.p.s.PRGvol2

The Programme vol1-2, RW/Lion 2014, (PRG)
#1-3p.m. adapt. (*)/pat olliffe/scott koblish
(*) adattamento a fumetti della sceneggiatura cinematografica di Jonathan Hensleigh, Michael Tolkin e Michael France

Marvel Miniserie #55: Punisher - Il Film, Panini Comics 2004
THE PUNISHER: FRANK CASTLE MAX (serie di 75, 2004-2009) - MARVEL/Max
fino al #65 THE PUNISHER Vol. II
#75father's dayp.m./goran parlov

Punisher vol16: Benvenuti Nel Bayou, Panini Comics 2010
#p.m./juan jose ryp

Punisher Max vol20: Butterfly, Panini Comics 2012
RED LANTERNS (serie in corso, 2011 --> ) - DC
#1with blood and ragep.m./ed benes/rob hunterRLvol1
#2pure ragep.m./e.b./r.h.RLvol1
#3higher consciousnessp.m./e.b./r.h.RLvol1
#4the departedp.m./e.b.+diego bernard/r.h.RLvol1
#6all too humanp.m./e.b.+ d.b./rebecca buchmanRLvol1
#7rebel yellp.m./e.b.+d.b./r.h.+mark john irwin
+david meikis+sal regla
#8death on ysmaultp.m./andres guinaldo+jorge jimenez/m.j.i.+j.j.RLvol2
#9exodusp.m./tomàs giorelloRLvol2
#10two lanternsp.m./miguel angel sepulvedaRLvol2
#11love and hatep.m./m.a.s.RLvol2
#0atrocitus=the second prophecyp.m./ardian syaf/vicente cifuentesRLvol3
#13rise of the third army:
eyes without a face
#14rise of the third army:
home is where the heart is
#15rise of the third army:
waking the past
#16rise of the third army:
once were enemies
#17wrath of the first lantern p4:
sympathy for the devil
#18wrath of the first lantern p8:
the decision
#19wrath of the first lantern p12:
the death of atrocitus
p.m./will conradLV#23
#20wrath of the first lantern epilogue:
a death long coming…

Lanterne Rosse vol1-3, RW/Lion 2012-13, (RL)
Lanterna Verde #20,22-24, RW/Lion 2013-14, (LV)
ROBIN (serie di 185, 1993-2009) - DC
#168the resurrection of ra's al ghul p1p.m./freddie e. williams IIBT#17\BMD#19
#169the resurrection of ra's al ghul p5p.m./david baldeon/steve birdBT#19\BMD#19
NOTA: collegabile al x-over "the resurrection of ra's al ghul" e' anche BATMAN A#26 (vedi), pure scritto da Milligan

Batman #17,19, Planeta DeAgostini 2008-2009, (BT)
Il Cavaliere Oscuro Batman #19: La Resurrezione Di Ra's Al Ghul, Mondadori 2013, (BMD)
SHADE (serie di 70, 1990-96) - DC/Vertigo
#1execution dayp.m./chris bachalo/mark penningtonDP#8\SL1
#2who shot jfk?p.m./c.b./m.p.DP#9\SL1
#3all the president's assassinsp.m./c.b./m.p.DP#10\SL1
#4mad,bad and dangerous to know p.m./c.b./m.p.DP#11\SL1
#5hollywood babble onp.m./c.b./m.p.SH#1\SL1
#6hollywood babble on IIp.m./c.b./m.p.SH#2\SL1
#7the namelessp.m./c.b./m.p.SH#3\SL2
#8love and haightp.m./c.b./m.p.SH#4\SL2
#9the prophet marginp.m./c.b./m.p.SH#5\SL2
#10invasion of the normalcy snatchers p.m./bill jaaska/m.p.SH#6\SL2
#11edge of visionp.m./c.b./m.p.SH#7\SL2
#12edge of vision part IIp.m./c.b./m.p.SH#8\SL2
#13edge of vision part IIIp.m./c.b./m.p.SH#8\SL2
#14the santa fe trialp.m./bryan talbot/m.p.SH#8-9\SL3
#15the white sheep on the green hillp.m./c.b./m.p.SH#9\SL3
#16how the vest was onep.m./c.b./m.p.SH#9\SL3
#17darkness at high noonp.m./c.b./rick bryantSH#10\SL3
#19bethlehem u.s.a.p.m./c.b./m.p.SH#10-11\SL3
#20the road prologuep.m./c.b.+jan duursema/m.p.+r.b.SH#11\SL4
#21us off the roadp.m./c.b./m.p.SH#11\SL4
#22us off the road: a pale afternoon p.m./brendan mc carthySH#12\SL4
#23us off the road: the invisible loom p.m./c.b./m.p.SH#12\SL4
#24us off the road: mènage à quatre p.m./c.b./m.p.SH#12(1)\SL4
#25us off the road: the end of the road p.m./c.b./m.p.SL4
#26lenny's storyp.m./c.b./m.p.SL5
#27shade, the changing womanp.m./colleen doran/m.p.SL5
#28shade, the changing woman p2:
the first time
#29shade, the changing woman p3:
the locket
#30another life(2)p.m./duncan eagleson/mark buckinghamSL5
(1) edizione incompleta: l'albo della Comic Art pubblica solo meta' dell'episodio
(2) la storia e' priva di titolo; "another life" è il titolo presente sulla cover
pubblicazione italiana in corso a cura della RW/Lion

DC Comics Presenta #8-11, Comic Art 1993, (DP)
Shade #1-12, Comic Art 1994-95, (SH)
Shade vol1: L'Urlo Americano, RW/Lion 2013, (SL1)
Shade vol2: Il Vertice Della Visione, RW/Lion 2013, (SL2)
Shade vol3: Buio A Mezzogiorno, RW/Lion 2013, (SL3)
Shade vol4: La Strada, RW/Lion 2014, (SL4)
Shade vol5: Ermafrodito, RW/Lion 2014, (SL5)
SKIN (GN, 1992) - TUNDRA
#p.m+brendan mc carthy/b.m.c.+carol swain

Tank Girl #1-3, General Press 1995-96
SKREEMER (mini di 6, 1989) - DC/Vertigo
#p.m./brett ewins/steve dillon

Skreemer, Planeta DeAgostini 2009
SPIDER-MAN'S TANGLED WEB (serie di 22, 2001-2003) - MARVEL
#5-6flowers for rhino p1-2p.m./duncan fegredo

L'Uomo Ragno #344-345, Panini Comics 2002
Spider-Man #23, RCS/La Gazzetta dello Sport 2007
100% Best: Spider-Man: La Ragnatela Ingarbugliata, Panini Comics 2013
STORMWATCH vol III (serie in corso, 2011-->) - DC
#9exodusp.m./miguel angel sepulvedaSW2
#10two lanternsp.m./ignacio calero/aa.vv.SW2
#11love and hatep.m./i.c.+eduardo pansica/julio ferreira+aa.vv.SW2
#12nectarp.m./will conrad+j.f.SW2
#0crash coursep.m./w.c.SW3
#13the rise of the demon p1: the dreaming towerp.m./w.c.+cliff richardsSW3
#14the rise of the demon p2: london's burningp.m./w.c.+c.r.SW3
#15betrayal p1: broken hearts and cold feetp.m./w.c.+c.r.SW3
#16betrayal p2: the hunt for midnighterp.m./w.c.+e.p.+j.f.SW3
#17the men who fell to earthp.m./w.c.SW3
#18the screamp.m./w.c.SW3

Stormwatch vol2: Nemici Della Terra, RW/Lion 2013, (SW2)
Stormwatch vol3: Tradimento, RW/Lion 2013, (SW3)
SUB-MARINER (mini di 5, 2008-2009) - MARVEL
#1-5the depths p1-5p.m./esad ribic

Marvel Graphic Novel: Sub Mariner: Abissi, Panini Comics 2009
Supereroi: Le Grandi Saghe vol89: Sub-Mariner: Abissi, RCS Quotidiani/Panini Comics 2011
TANK GIRL MAGAZINE (serie di 8, 1995-96) - MANGA
magazine di carattere antologico pubblicato in Gran Bretagna
#1tank girl: the odissey(1) p1p.m./jamie hewlettTG#1\TOD
tank girl in air sick(2)p.m./j.h.TG#5
sono inediti in Italia gli altri contributi di Milligan al magazine
(1) The Odissey e' stata pubblicata originalmente come mini di 4 dalla DC/Vertigo nel 1995
(2) storia breve apparsa originalmente sul magazine americano DETAILS nel numero di dicembre '94

Tank Girl #1-5, General Press 1995-96, (TG)
Tank Girl: L'Odissea, Coniglio Editore 2007, (TOD)
#p.m./cary nord

Thor & I Nuovi Vendicatori #127, Panini Comics 2009
THOR vol IV (serie in corso, 2009 -->) - MARVEL
A#1the hand of grogp.m./mico suayan+tom grindberg/m.s.+stefano gaudiano

Thor & I Nuovi Vendicatori #131-132, Panini Comics 2010
THOR: THE RAGE OF THOR (1-shot, 2010) - MARVEL
#p.m./mico suayan

Thor & I Nuovi Vendicatori #145, Panini Comics 2011
TOXIN (mini di 6, 2005) - MARVEL
#1-6the devil you hnow p1-6p.m./darick robertson/rodney ramos

100% Marvel: Toxin: Il Diavolo Dentro, Panini Comics 2006
2000 AD (serie antologica in corso, 1977 -->) - EAGLE/QUALITY/FLEETWAY/IPC
#700-707(1)hewligan haircut: a story in eight partings p.m./jamie hewlettNE#9-12
A1987rogue trooper: nort by nortwestp.m./jose ortizJD#1(2)
(1) numeri pubblicati nel 1990
(2) edizione corrispondente a quella ristampata in JUDGE DREDD'S CRIME FILE #1 (Fleetway-Quality, 1989)
sono inedite in Italia le altre storie scritte da Milligan per 2000AD

Judge Dredd #1, Play Press 1991, (JD)
Nova Express #9-12, Granata Press 1992-93, (NE)
VENOM VS. CARNAGE (mini di 4, 2004) - MARVEL
#1-4p.m./clayton crain

L'Uomo Ragno #415-416, Panini Comics 2005
The Dark Side Of Comics #18: Venom, RCS quotidiani/Panini Comics, 2006
VERTIGO JAM (1-shot antologico, 1993) - DC/Vertigo
#shade: the visionp.m./michael allred

All American Comics 2^ serie #8, Comic Art 1994
VERTIGO RESURRECTED: THE EATERS (antologia, 2011) - DC/Vertigo
volumetto dedicato alla ristampa del seguente materiale di Milligan:
#The Eatersvedi THE EATERS
death of a romanticvedi HEARTTHROBS #3
war & peas(1)p.m./duncan fegredo
what a man's gotta do(2)p.m./d.f.
p-a-r-t-n-e-r-s(3)p.m./sylvain savoia
(1) ristampa la storia omonima da WEIRD WAR TALES #4 (DC/Vertigo, 1997)
(2) ristampa la storia omonima da WEIRD WESTERN TALES #4 (DC/Vertigo, 2001)
(3) ristampa la storia omonima da STRANGE ADVENTURES #1 (DC/Vertigo, 2011)

I Divoratori, RW/Lion 2012
WOLVERINE/DOOP (mini di 2, 2003-2004) - MARVEL
#1-2the pink mink p1-2 p.m./darwyn cooke/j bone

X-Treme X-Men #28-29 (= X-Men Deluxe #111-112), Panini Comics 2004
X-Statix Collection vol4: Buoni E Cattivi, Panini Comics 2012
#1-5p.m./lee weeks/tom palmer

100% Marvel: Wolverine/Punisher #1: Santuario, Panini Comics 2005
Marvel Best Seller vol2: Wolverine/Punisher: Santuario, Panini Comics 2012
X-FORCE (serie di 129, 1991-2002) - MARVEL
#116exit woundsp.m./michael allredXT#1\XSC1
#117mister sensitivep.m./m.a.XT#2\XSC1
#118and then there were sixp.m./m.a.XT#3\XSC1
#119what's one life?p.m./m.a.XT#6\XSC1
#121-122lacuna p1-2p.m./m.a.XT#7-8\XSC2
#123tick tockp.m./m.a.XT#9\XSC2
#124edie and guy finally do itp.m./darwyn cookeXT#10\XSC2
#125one of usp.m./m.a.XT#11\XSC2
#126as I die lyingp.m./m.a.XT#12\XSC2
#127because louisep.m./m.a.XT#13\XSC2
#128someone diesp.m./m.a.XT#14\XSC2
#129x-storm!p.m./duncan fegredoXT#15\XSC2

X-Treme X-Men #1-3,6-15 (=X-Men Deluxe #84-86,89-98), Panini Comics 2002-2003, (XT)
X-Statix Collection vol1: X-Force - Un Nuovo Inizio, Panini Comics 2012, (XSC1)
X-Statix Collection vol2: X-Force - Capitolo Finale, Panini Comics 2012, (XSC2)
X-MEN (serie di 275, 1992-2012) - MARVEL
la serie ha mutato nome piu' volte, proseguendo comunque la numerazione; al momento della chiusura la testata si chiamava X-MEN: LEGACY
#166golgotha p1: and what dark beast…p.m./salvador larroca/danny mikiXM#189
#167golgotha p2: the night of the mutantp.m./s.l./d.mi.XM#189
#168golgotha p3: the crazy gang p.m./s.l./d.mi.XM#189-190
#169golgotha p4: quarantine!p.m./s.l./d.mi.+allen martinezXM#190
#170golgotha conclusion: fall-out p.m./s.l./d.mi.+a.m.XM#191
#171bizarre love triangle p1: dangerous liaisonsp.m./s.l./d.mi.+a.m.XM#192
#172bizarre love triangle p2: temptationp.m./s.l./d.mi.+a.m.XM#193
#173bizarre love triangle p3: the foxx in the atticp.m./s.l./d.mi.+a.m.XM#193
#174bizarre love triangle p4: election dayp.m./s.l./d.mi.+a.m.XM#194
#175wild kingdom p1p.m./s.l./d.mi.+a.m.MMX#63
#176wild kingdom p3: the apes of wrathp.m./s.l./d.mi.+a.m.MMX#63
#177house arrest p1: losing itp.m./s.l./d.mi.+a.m.XM#194
#178house arrest p2: the transmogrification
of robert drake
#179house arrest p3: togethernessp.m./s.l./d.mi.+a.m.XM#195
#180what lorna saw p1: sign of the timesp.m./roger cruz/victor olazabaXM#197
#181what lorna saw p2: the leper queenp.m./r.c./v.o+don hillsman IIIXM#197
#182the blood of apocalypse p1: the messiahp.m./s.l.XM#200
riddles of the sphinx p1p.m./aaron lopresti/d.mi.XM#201
#183the blood of apocalypse p2: the hungerp.m./s.l.XM#200
riddles of the sphinx p2p.m./pasqual ferryXM#201
#184the blood of apocalypse p3:
war…what is it good for?
riddles of the sphinx p3p.m./clayton henry/mark moralesXM#202
#185the blood of apocalypse p4: love and deathp.m./s.l.XM#201
riddles of the sphinx p4p.m./paul pelletier/dave meikisXM#202
#186the blood of apocalypse p5:
the battle of the east river
riddles of the sphinx p5p.m./casey jones/vince russellXM#205
#187the blood of apocalypse epilogue:
the future

Gli Incredibili X-Men #189-195,197,200-202,205, Panini Comics 2006-2007, (XM)
Marvel Mix #63 (X-Men/Pantera Nera), Panini Comics 2006, (MMX)
X-STATIX (serie di 26, 2002-2004) - MARVEL
#1good omens p1p.m./michael allredXT#17\XSC3
code xp.m./darwyn cookeXT#17\XSC3
#5p5p.m./paul popeXT#21\XSC3
#6the moons of venus p1p.m./m.a.XT#23\XSC4
#9x-statix: the moviep.m./m.a.XT#25\XSC4
#10the diaries of edie sawyer: portrait of
the mutant as a young woman
p.m./philip bondXT#25\XSC4
#113 in a bedp.m./m.a.XT#30\XSC5
#12if you think I'm sexyp.m./m.a./p.b.XT#32\XSC5
#13-14back from the dead p1-2p.m./m.a./j boneXT#33\XSC5
#15-18p3-6p.m./m.a./j b.XT#34-37\XSC5
#19the cure p1p.m./m.a./nick craineXD#128\XSC6
#20p2p.m./nick dragottaXD#129\XSC6
#21-25the good & the famous p1-5p.m./m.a./nick craineXSC6
#26are you ready?p.m./m.a.XSC6

X-Treme X-Men #17-21,23-25,30,32-37
(=X-Men Deluxe #100-104,106-108,113,115-120), Panini Comics 2003-2005, (XT)

X-Men Deluxe #128-129, Panini Comics 2005, (XD)
la testata X-Men Deluxe a partire dal #84 ha cambiato nome in X-Treme X-Men ripartendo dal #1 e proseguendo parallelamente la vecchia numerazione; questo corso è durato fino a X-Treme X-Men #37 (corrispondente a X-Men Deluxe #120), per poi ritornare alla numerazione ed al nome originale da X-Men Deluxe #121
X-Statix Collection vol3: Ottimi Presagi, Panini Comics 2012, (XSC3)
X-Statix Collection vol4: Buoni E Cattivi, Panini Comics 2012, (XSC4)
X-Statix Collection vol5: Ritorno Dal Regno Dei Morti, Panini Comics 2012,(XSC5)
X-Statix Collection vol6: X-Statix Vs. Vendicatori, Panini Comics 2012, (XSC6)
#1-5dead a long time p1-5p.m./nick dragotta + michael allred

X-Statix Collection vol7: Dead Girl, Panini Comics 2013
YOUNG ROMANCE: A NEW 52 VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIAL (1-shot antologico, 2013) - DC
#apollo & midnighter: seoul brothersp.m./simon bisley

Wonder Woman/Flash #24 (= Flash/Wonder Woman #6), RW/Lion 2014
l'albo RW/Lion esce in due versioni (l'una intestata a Wonder Woman, l'altra a Flash) con numerazione e copertina diverse
> grazie a LEONARDO RAVEGGI per i dettagli sulla serializzazione di X-FORCE su X-TREME X-MEN della Panini;
> grazie a SMOKY MAN per la messa a disposizione della foto di Milligan.

Le Cronologie di GLAMAZONIA